Saturday, April 18, 2009

Do you know how I got these scars?

Lets put a smile across that face of yours:-)

The when?Midday (GMT+0530)
The where?Far away from Gotham city
The Who?Joker Jr.

This is a tribute to perhaps one of the greatest actors of all time -
Heath Ledger and also to my favourite character on screen-The Joker.
I remember watching my first Batman movie-"Batman" ; in which Jack
Nicholson so amazingly portrays the character of the Joker. Now we
know where the Joker got his charm from.
While the annoying little kids around me had their stupid
heads filled up with ideas of 'Oooh!I want to be Batman' and 'I wanna
be Robin',I still remember the way their faces used to go askew when i
told them 'Someday, Im going to be the Joker'. To the rest of the
world, the joker is a psychopathic,
mass-murdering,apathetic,schizophrenic clown with a smile to kill.
To me, he is the hero, the protagonist of the entire Batman series.Why,
he is easily the very reason Batman exists.
No offense to all you Batman lovers out there, but to me,
Batman sounds like a guy who just had a laryngectomy.Why does he have
to such a gruff voice anyway? Doesn't he know?(s)Laughter is the best
medicine? Anyway, here's the list of Dialogues that i liked best from 'The Dark Knight'.
Joker:Do you know how i got these scars?
Joker:Very poor choice of words.
Joker:Its all part of the plan
Batman: Then you're gonna love me
Joker: How about a magic trick?
Joker:Its simple. We kill the batman.
Joker: If you re good at something, never do it for free.
Joker: Half.
Joker: Why so serious?

And undoubtedly, the best among these is:'Do you know how I got these scars?' And it gets even better when he accounts for the scars, with different answers every time. How,how,how did someone as romantic and good looking portray this diabolic character with such panache? The answer is that it was not just another good looking guy, It was Heath LEDGER.A lot of good actors lived in their character. But Ledger walked that extra mile - to die in his character.Ledger, you brought out the Joker in all of us.May the tyranny you unleashed over Gotham city never settle.May chaos rule.
Joker-Rest in peace
Batman-Rest in pieces:-)

Friday, April 17, 2009

First things first--the title for the blog and how it was born

To be honest, I am not an avid blogger and my blogging odyssey has just begun. I take utmost inspiration to vent out all my feelings and emotions (on this electronic space that google so graciously offers to human kind) from a senior and a junior of mine-Vineeth and Umesh(in that order, respectively)-Two very serious people who have played the blogging game for a long time now, and if you want to read some really good stuff, It would undoubtedly be in your best interest to close what you're reading right away, get started with theirs and then come back here and decide for yourself how bad this literary junk of mine really is.

If you are - however, still reading this blog, first of all I must congratulate you on your exemplary endurance.Thank you for being such a great audience.

I reckon most of you might have watched 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND' one of my favourite movies of all time - in which Russell Crowe brilliantly portrays the delicate and intricate character of Pf.John Nash, the founder of Game Theory and the one who revolutionized the field of Governing dynamics. For those of you geeks who missed it, It would help you to know what game theory is about.

Adam Smith once said 'In competition,Individual ambition serves the common good'.Nash and three of his friends are at the bar one night when all of a sudden , they find themselves in the company of a bevy of beauties-a blonde and four brunettes(Its all right guys , stay with me)
The Guys argue over how they should approach the girls and that is when one of them cites Adam Smith's 'Individual ambition serves the common good'. And this uis where Nash sees a turn around in Governing Dynamics. He foresees that if they all follow Smith, and go for the blonde, they cancel out each other and therefore, none of them gets the blonde. Then after being turned down, when they approach the brunettes, THEY TURN THE GUYS DOWN AGAIN because no one likes to be second choice.

But if the guys all decide not to satisfy their individual ambitions and they do whats best for themselves, and the group, they approach the brunettes first and volla, every geek finds a girl for himself.And hence, the title- Gals, Geeks and Game theory. I trust that you would have liked this at least a teeny weeny bit and Im in hopes that you will like the blogs that are yet to be published.